The team of epistemology group, led by Tenured Associate Professor Davide Fassio and Tenured Associate Professor Jie Gao, has research interests in epistemology and its intersections with other areas, such as ethics, decision theory, philosophy of mind, linguistics and philosophy of AI. Much of their research has been published in top journals, such as Ethics, Philosophical Studies, and Synthese.
Recent News
- Luqi Tang has received a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council, and she will be a visiting student at the University of Toronto for 1 year.
- Davide Fassio’s article “Are Reasons Answers to Questions?” has been accepted for publication in Philosophia, as part of a Symposium on Arturs Logins’ book “Normative Reasons: Between Reasoning and Explanation (CUP)”.
- In June 2024, Jie Gao successfully passed the evaluation to get a tenured position! Congratulations!
- Jie Gao’s monograph “Belief, Knowledge and Practical Matters” has been published. Link
- We have successfully hosted the “Epistemology & AI 2023” workshop. Link
- Davide Fassio’s article “Self-Effacing Reasons and Epistemic Constraints: Some Lessons from the Knowability Paradox”, co-authored with Massimiliano Carrara, has been accepted for publication in The Philosophical Quarterly.
- Three introductory articles are forthcoming in the 3rd edition of the Blackwell Companion to Epistemology: “Varieties of Pragmatic Encroachment” (by Jie Gao), “Cross-linguistic Studies in Epistemology” (by Davide Fassio & Jie Gao), “The Knowability Paradox” (by Davide Fassio).